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The Macallan Collaborates With & Emeli Sandé & David Tennant To Celebrate 200 Years Young

Credit: The Macallan

As The Macallan celebrates 200 Years Young in its bicentenary year, the brand has collaborated with two famous scots, David Tennant and Emeli Sandé. The partnership has culminated in the creation of a new song and music video that reflects The Macallan’s legacy.

The Macallan x Emeli Sandé, “Roots”

The song, called “Roots” was written by Sandé, who grew up in Aberdeenshire and therefore “shares the brand’s deep affinity with nature and legacy.”

The brand has a deep-rooted history in the local community, as well as in dedication to craftsmanship, and the transcendence of time, evidenced by the distillery’s 200 years in operation.

Emeli Sandé’s poignant composition perfectly emulates The Macallan’s storied past and bright future. Speaking about working with the brand, Sandé said: “I loved that when working with The Macallan, they allowed us to go on our own creative journey. That freedom made us bring my best to the table.

“I grew up in Aberdeenshire, which is about an hour away from The Macallan Estate. This area of Scotland is my home, it will always be where I come back to and where I feel rooted. Roots means legacy. You have your roots and they spread so far around the surrounding ground. You have your trunk and that’s your journey through life –the branches can go here, there, but at the end of the day, everything is coming from the same point.”

The Macallan x David Tennant, Music Film

David Tennant takes a journey through the distillery’s past, and looks to the future. Credit: The Macallan

Accompanying Sandé’s evocative music is a music film directed by Jérémie Rozan and starring legendary Scottish actor, David Tennant.

The music video is an exploration of Macallan’s previous 200 years and a celebration of what is yet to come. After all, the distillery’s bicentenary celebrations center around the idea that The Macallan is just getting started.

David Tennant’s timeless characters (in the past and the future) and their movement through the distillery also represent The Macallan’s journey through time, and its vision for the future. The striking Speyside landscape, the atmospheric Cave Privée, and Macallan’s iconic still house serve as locations for the film.

According to The Macallan press release: “The film showcases how the brand’s unwavering foundations have endured two centuries and will remain steadfast into the future – owing to the tranquillity of nature at The Macallan Estate and the meticulous standards of craftsmanship which have always and will continue to guide it.”

Watch the music film here.

Here’s To The Next 200 Years

The campaign will be shown in various advertising locations, including cinemas nationwide, as well as at The Macallan Estate.

As the distillery reflects on its 200 years past, it equally strives to create an exciting vision for the distillery of the future.

The distillery has had a very full year so far celebrating its 200th anniversary. One of the most significant developments was the release of the long-awaited Macallan Horizon in collaboration with Bentley.

Beth Squires

Beth joined Mark Littler Ltd full-time in October 2020 following the completion of her university degree. Since then she has gained wide-ranging knowledge of all things whisk(e)y, and has written extensively for both company and external publications. Beth is passionate about industry innovation, marketing, and sustainability. With a particular affinity for independently bottled rare scotch, Beth is also a whisky bottle investment specialist.

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