Actor Jamie Foxx is now the owner of BSB-Brown Sugar Bourbon, the company behind it announced recently. The brand is re-launching new, redesigned bottles to kick off the new era for BSB-Brown Sugar Bourbon. The flavored bourbon, known for what’s described as sweet-tasting notes of brown sugar and cinnamon, is an award-winning spirit apparently, having been a two-time winner of the “World’s Best Flavoured Whisky” award.
The company also offers BSB 103 — a higher-proof marque with less sweetness and more of a bourbon flavor.
As owner, Foxx will be involved both creatively and financially. He’s lending his entrepreneurial spirit to further the brand’s expansion, as well as guiding the creative direction of the company.
“I’ve always lived by the rule that life is short, and you need to go out and do what you want to do. Owning a brand that brings sweet life to the party has always been a goal and with BSB we’re making it happen,” said Foxx in a prepared statement. “Before the quarantine I watched bottles of BSB disappear at all my celebrations and knew this was a brand I wanted to bring into the spotlight. Anyone who tries BSB is going to love it just like I do.”
The Brown Sugar Bourbon offerings are ideal for sipping, shooting and mixing in cocktails, the company said.
“We are extremely fortunate that Jamie was introduced to our brand at one of his legendary parties,” said Sean M. Penn, CEO of BSB Spirits, in a prepared statement. “I have no doubt that Jamie will lead BSB to new heights. We can think of no better creative force than Jamie, and we look forward to watching him introduce BSB to the world.”
BSB was originally founded as part of Heritage Distilling in Washington State in 2016 and is currently available nationwide.
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