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Bedtime Bourbon




Whiskey Review: Bedtime Bourbon

Tasting Notes:

Tennessee straight bourbon with a mash bill of 84% corn, 8% barley, 8% rye. Aged for eight years and shipped to Kentucky to be cut with local, limestone-filtered water down to 45% ABV. Sold in 750mL bottles with a recommended price of $59 each.
Fairly typical golden amber with a touch of reddish bronze in the hue.
Sweet and fruity in the first sniff, reminiscent of caramel-dipped apples. The fruit flavor gives way to spicier bouquet of caramel, pepper, and nutmeg, with hints of tobacco and anise in the background.
The first sip comes off mostly like a sweet simple syrup with a faint but interesting floral flavor, like lavender. After a moment, that flavor starts to take on the spicy characteristics of nutmeg, cloves, and pepper, the intensity growing as a sip sits on the tongue. Swallowing sends a chilly, tingly, clove-forward rush across the back of the mouth. That gives way to a toasted marshmallow-like sweetness that pervades across the palate, occasionally punctuated by a flare of spicy cloves.
I found nothing particularly extraordinary about Bedtime Bourbon – just except that it almost perfectly matches the branding as a “bedtime” dram. It’s not doing anything revolutionary in terms of flavor, but it’s well rounded with the perfect ebb and flow between sweet and spicy notes, at least for this whiskey drinker that tends to like things on the sweeter side. rnrnThat disclaimer aside, Bedtime Bourbon has the right balance of sweet, spicy, simple, and complex to make it something to sip after a long day, or something you don’t need to feel guilty about mixing.

If you’re a Kentuckian specifically browsing your local liquor for a bourbon to sip as a nightcap, Louisville Bourbon Transit Company just might have you covered, at least branding-wise.

The new company so far launched their debut product, Bedtime Bourbon, on Halloween, in what they aim to be the “perfect friend to greet you after a long day.” If the name doesn’t emphasize the point that this straight bourbon is recommended during evening relaxation, the bottle is emblazoned with a 1920s-inspired, black and white photo of an elegant belle lounging on a crescent moon with a dram in hand and a star-map backdrop behind her.

Although the company is based in Kentucky and only selling Bedtime Bourbon in their home state at this point, the sourced, high-corn (84%) bourbon hails from Tennessee – four barrels of Tennessee straight bourbon aged for eight years, to be precise.

However, Louisville Bourbon Transit Company opted to proof and bottle those four barrels in Bardstown, Kentucky, so they could specifically cut the bourbon with water from their home state, with co-founder Carla Jacob noting in a press release that “you can’t do it without the Bluegrass State’s legendary limestone-filtered water.”

The final product – of which there are only 840 bottles in the inaugural release – comes in at 90 proof and sells in 750mL bottles for a recommended price of $59 each.

Bedtime Bourbon
image via Louisville Bourbon Transit Company

Tasting Notes: Bedtime Bourbon

Vital stats: Tennessee straight bourbon with a mash bill of 84% corn, 8% barley, 8% rye. Aged for eight years and shipped to Kentucky to be cut with local, limestone-filtered water down to 45% ABV. Sold in 750mL bottles with a recommended price of $59 each.

Appearance: Fairly typical golden amber with a touch of reddish bronze in the hue.

Nose: Sweet and fruity in the first sniff, reminiscent of caramel-dipped apples. The fruit flavor gives way to spicier bouquet of caramel, pepper, and nutmeg, with hints of tobacco and anise in the background.

Palate: The first sip comes off mostly like a sweet simple syrup with a faint but interesting floral flavor, like lavender. After a moment, that flavor starts to take on the spicy characteristics of nutmeg, cloves, and pepper, the intensity growing as a sip sits on the tongue. Swallowing sends a chilly, tingly, clove-forward rush across the back of the mouth. That gives way to a toasted marshmallow-like sweetness that pervades across the palate, occasionally punctuated by a flare of spicy cloves. 

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