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Whiskey Gift Guide: Sweet Whiskey Treats

What do you get the whiskey drinker in your life who already has everything? More whiskey, obviously! But alas, even the most hardcore devotees of the water of life can’t survive on it alone. We must also eat. To keep your favorite drinker going through the cold winter months, why not get them one of these boozy whiskey treats?


Jack Daniel’s fudge caramels

Why buy Jack Daniel’s candy? Not only does every batch include “a generous measure” of the “smooth and distinctive” Tennessee whiskey, but one Amazon reviewer reports “excellent results” after giving it as a gift. Hmm…

Comes in regular Old No. 7 and Honey.


Irish whiskey truffles

Butlers Chocolates, a Dublin candy company billing themselves “purveyors of happiness,” makes a variety of Irish whiskey-infused treats, including these chocolate truffles.

Glenfiddich Highland Whisky Cake

Traditionally, fruitcake is infused with brandy or rum, but why bow to tradition when you could eat cake with scotch in it? This fruitcake is made with real 12-year-old Glenfiddich Single Malt. A great alternative to the brick-hard confection your great aunt usually sends you.

Woodford Reserve Bourbon Balls

These classic Kentucky treats are soaked with the good stuff and topped with a toasted pecan. You can also get Woodford Reserve Mint Julep Balls and Woodford Reserve Dark Chocolate Caramels, or you could order all three and call it a year.

Edradour Single Malt Whisky Fudge

Gardiners of Scotland, the same company that makes the Jack Daniel’s fudge, uses single malt whisky from Edradour (“Scotland’s smallest distillery!”) in this confection. And it comes in a cute little tin! And the tin is embossed! What are you waiting for?

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