John Dover, creator and writer of the acclaimed “Johnny Scotch” series, draws inspiration from his immersive experiences as a professional musician and his extensive travels across the US. His Jazz Noir world intertwines with his music, culminating in collaborations such as the “Johnny Scotch Vignettes” with Thomas Barber, blending high-energy fusion with spoken word.
John’s latest ventures include “Johnny Scotch #4” illustrated by Dan Schaefer, and the novella “A Song for Charlie.” Alongside his music career, he continues to expand the “Johnny Scotch” universe through short stories and comic books.
Beyond “Johnny Scotch,” John is a recognized horror writer, contributing to anthologies such as “Tales from the Braided Pony,” “Monsters ‘N’ Things,” “100 Word Horrors,” and the forthcoming “Tenebrous Tales.” He’s also a regular entertainment writer for