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Information Everyone Needs To Know Before Buying A Cask Of Whisky

In this video, Mark Littler takes a comprehensive look at the current whisky investment landscape. He explains the pitfalls of whisky cask investments, sharing recent events involving legal actions and regulatory interventions against fraudulent practices. Mark provides three essential tips for making a sound whisky cask investment: Ensure you take full ownership of your cask, with your name on the warehouse records. Purchase casks at a fair price, avoiding overpayment compared to trade rates. Secure naming rights to add value to your investment. Join Mark as he delves into the intricacies of whisky investment, offering valuable insights and advice for both new and experienced investors.

Beth Squires

Beth joined Mark Littler Ltd full-time in October 2020 following the completion of her university degree. Since then she has gained wide-ranging knowledge of all things whisk(e)y, and has written extensively for both company and external publications. Beth is passionate about industry innovation, marketing, and sustainability. With a particular affinity for independently bottled rare scotch, Beth is also a whisky bottle investment specialist.

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