In the world of collectible whisky, every now and then a bottling or set comes along that simply blows your mind. We’ve chronicled our share of high-end offerings here at The Whiskey Wash, but few reach to the level of the recently unveiled Glenfarclas Pagoda Reserve Trilogy, a set of very aged whiskies housed in some extremely luxurious housings.
The Glenfarclas Pagoda Reserve Trilogy was revealed earlier this month by The Whisky Corporation, a high-end whisky trading and acquisitions business out of Singapore and Hong Kong known for its “highly collectible antique vintage collections, exclusive distillery releases and bespoke portfolios.” The Trilogy definitively falls towards the “highly collectible” end: if you were to buy the set as a whole, you would pay SGD 54,600 (about $39,100 USD).
The Whisky Corporation has offered just 100 sets of this release to the Asian market, a hot place these days for collectible Scotch. Each of the three bottles is vintaged, meaning the year it was distilled is displayed – the years chosen include 1971 (43 years old), 1967 (48 years old), and 1956 (59 years old).
While information is scarce this point about the stories behind the liquid in these bottles (i.e. type of aging cask and tasting profile), one important note from Whisky Experts is that all three of these expressions were “made before 1972, when Glenfarclas stopped using their own floor maltings.” That’s a pretty big deal to whisky purists looking for old-school production methods in their drinks, especially in a day and age where few distilleries still do their own floor malting.
Moving beyond the Scotch, the bottles themselves are quite the sight to behold. Made from “Scottish Glencairn crystal and finished with precious metals of brass, silver & gold,” they are each shaped in pagodas reminiscent of part of the distillery’s architecture. There’s an old Pagoda roof on site at Glenfarclas which was once part of the old klin; now, it sits over the entrance to the visitor’s center.
You can learn a little more about the Glenfarclas Pagoda Reserve Trilogy via the video below. Should you actually find yourself with deep enough pockets and a desire to own one of these sets, The Whisky Corporation is throwing in a host of extra benefits, such as membership in an elite owners-only club and a “very special VIP complimentary 5 bottle collection of Glenfarclas’s finest single malt.”