Mississippi River Distilling Company, based out of Iowa, has long been a favorite craft whiskey maker of mine. Whether it is because of one of its seasonal offerings or the fact they collaborated with some other top notch small distilleries last year on a cool bourbon, these guys sure seem to know their whiskies. Now, with St Patrick’s Day just around the corner, they are playing on the theme of Irish whisky by releasing an “Iowish Whiskey” in a rather limited bottling.
The new Mississippi River Distilling Iowish Whiskey, bottled at 40% ABV, is a straight up corn whiskey, made from 100 percent Iowa corn said to have been harvested a scant two miles from the distillery. It was aged in new, charred oak barrels and is said to feature “the sweetness of Iowa corn and a kiss of smoke reminiscent of Iowa bacon.”
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The whiskey is available in just 2,000 750 ml bottles and may not last through St. Patrick’s Day. I’m not sure on availability outside of Iowa right now, but you can always contact the distillery for more information. Should you not be able to get hold of a bottle, you can always try instead for the t-shirt.