What Makes The Remnant Cask So Special?
Anyone of you who has spent enough time in whisky will have heard about every single cask variant you can think of. A cask, a butt, a port pipe, a barrique, a quarter cask, etc. But when have any of us ever come across a remnant cask? Now as a vessel used for overflow from filling runs, it could have contained numerous different styles of distillate that were required for different things, especially given Port Ellen’s closing and reopening in the thirties and then the priority of single malts used for blending throughout the 60s, 70s, and the 80s. This cask could have seen an unprecedented amount of stocks sat in it, that are possibly now sat in these beautiful decanters.
What Makes This A Must-Have For Collectors?
Much like with The Original Cask, the requirements and reputation needed to purchase one of the Port Ellen Gemini whiskies are quite significant. To secure a bottle, you’ll likely need to be a major customer with a retailer or hope to win a ballot that gives you the opportunity to buy it. Alternatively, being on Diageo‘s Private Client list could help, though I doubt these sets will remain available for long.
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There are certainly enough people with the means to purchase most of these bottles purely as investments. However, if you’re fortunate enough to afford them, I would recommend drinking them, as the flavors, depths, and finishes offered by these whiskies are unlike anything we’ve experienced in similar styles.
Final Thoughts on The Remnant Cask and The Port Ellen Gemini Release
Diageo put on quite a show with the release of these whiskies and the launch of tours at the new Port Ellen facility. You might initially think this is just another old, overpriced whisky with little substance. While the high price is undeniable, the history behind these whiskies makes them truly special. It’s rare to see something from Islay that isn’t just a marketing showcase with a fancy label. Port Ellen holds a significant place in Islay’s whisky heritage. Although not everyone could afford it during recent whisky booms, the distillery’s exclusivity has played a crucial role in shaping modern-day Islay whisky. It continues to produce extraordinary, standout whiskies that capture attention.