Learn About Bourbon At Home (For Free) Via Upcoming Virtual Bourbon Event

With the coronavirus continuing to keep many people at home and a large portion of the bourbon industry shut for direct person to person interaction (i.e. distilleries, bars), a group of bourbon media personalities have decided to pool their knowledge in an upcoming virtual bourbon event. Free to the public to watch, Whiskey From Home is scheduled for live streaming this weekend across a range of platforms.

Whiskey From Home, according to those behind it, will happen on May 2nd, starting at 12 pm ET. Lasting five and a half hours, those who register for free will be given access to links to participate on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, dLink, Periscope, and Twitter using Restream.io.

Whiskey From Home

Best selling bourbon author Fred Minnick and Bourbon Hall of Fame inductee Peggy Noe Stevens headline the bourbon personalities, which includes individuals from a range of well known bourbon media outlets such as Bourbon & Banter, Bourbon Pursuit, Bourbonr, Breaking Bourbon, Dad’s Drinking Bourbon, It’s Bourbon Night, Rare Bird 101, Sipp’n Corn, Subourbia, t8ke.review, The Bourbon Enthusiast and The Bourbon Review.

The virtual bourbon festival includes bourbon history, the best bourbons to buy right now, craft whiskey exploration, how to host a kick-ass tasting and blind flights. Viewers can purchase bourbon, food, and cocktail ingredients from their local stores to follow along with cocktail breaks, a virtual food pairing with Stevens and a virtual bourbon tasting with Minnick. With an integrated live chat, participants can network with each other and interact with the presenters. 

“This was an opportunity to bring a force of recognizable bourbon names together and build a first of its kind,” said Minnick, a co-founder of Bourbon & Beyond and editor-in-chief of Bourbon+ Magazine, in a prepared statement. “This gives everyone sitting at home that has ever wanted to attend a whiskey conference a chance to do it for free.”

Whiskey From Home is sponsored by Rabbit Hole Distillery. Full details of this interactive online experience, including the schedule of sessions and the shopping list, is available at the event’s website.

Nino Kilgore-Marchetti

Nino Kilgore-Marchetti is the founder of The Whiskey Wash, an award-winning whiskey lifestyle website dedicated to informing and entertaining consumers about whisk(e)y globally. As a whisk(e)y journalist, expert, and judge, he has written extensively about the subject, been interviewed in various media outlets, and provided tasting input on many whiskeys at competitions.

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